Fri Aug 31, 2018 10:05 PM
Morning Modelbuch (6/5/2018)
This painting by Lorenzo Lotto, Portrait of a Woman Inspired by Lucretia, is one of my favorites (I made a gown inspired by it several years ago.) If you’re not familiar, Lucretia’s treatment by the Prince of Etrusca is supposed to be the straw that caused the rebellion that shifted Ancient Rome from monarchy to republic. So she’s held up as a virtuous woman and example. Similar to a Saint but from an earlier culture. There also happens to be a modelbuch version of her in Schwartzenberger. (She’s on the right, Salome is on the left.)
This pattern is in the 1535 version of Schwartzenberger which isn’t entirely available online, but a wide selection of the pages are in a German article from 1909 by Theodor Hampe
The Lotto is at the National Gallery in London
This is going into the same notebook as the St. Barbara pair from earlier. There’s definitely an interesting project in here somewhere.