Fri Aug 31, 2018 10:01 PM
Morning Modelbuch (6/4/2018)
I haven’t posted any plain blackwork patterns in a bit, so figured it was time again. I picked these 4 for my own reasons. I’m enchanted by how intricate the birds manage to be while being straight paths to stitch and I have a Greek persona so Greek key patterns always appeal. Acorns are pretty standard in the simplest blackwork patters, so there is going to probably be one on most pages, and I just like the little spiky flowers. These start in Quentel in 1527 and get tossed into most of the early books for the next couple of decades. The link is to the 1544 version of Peter Quentel’s _Eyn Newe Kunstlich Moetelbuch_ at the Met, but you really can pick your favorite modelbuch and the plates are probably in it. I’m working on spreadsheets to keep track of where particular plates and designs are reused and the blackwork patterns are the most ubiquitous.