Sat Apr 29, 2023 05:47 PM
I wasn’t aware that the earliest version of Thomas Trevelyon’s books was available to download. It is a mix of all kinds of images, but there are some embroidery patterns, just like in the later versions. Just not as many. The Folger Library’s 1608 version is the one I’m most familiar with, but UCL’s (MS Ogden 24) is from 1603
The Folger’s Trevelyon’s Miscellany is available here
Helen Hough put together a collection of just the embroidery patterns from the Folger’s version along with some introductory notes
The 1616 Great Book of Thomas Trevilian held at the Wormsley Library isn’t available digitally, but was released in facsimile in 2000 (if you have a spare $2000.)