Tue Nov 29, 2022 05:46 PM
You all are amazing! Thank you to everyone who donated towards getting Lotz 152 scanned. The $470 was raised. I’ll get the money transferred and the invoice from the Morgan Library paid. I’ll update you as I get any further info.
Speaking of the later books, today’s Merry Modelbuch holiday project uses a pattern from Lotz 149, Bartolomeo Danieli’s _Vari disegni di merletti_. Yes, it is another mermaid.
I bought a bunch of fans to paint several summers ago and never got around to doing them. Part of my gift giving goals for this year are to use some of the general stuff I have hanging around, so I grabbed a fan to see how it would work. I’m not sure it was the best choice from a design perspective, but it is fun. As far as the pattern, it’s rather chunky and bold for a lace point design, reminding me of the Mexican Folk Art style of Papel Picado. I may circle back and cut some decorative banners with the design. Trying to think outside the box for using the pattern books has me looking WAY outside the box. https://www.metmuseum.org/art/collection/search/348344