Tue Jul 20, 2021 08:22 AM
July 20, 2021
The top section of a shirt in the Victoria and Albert dated in the 1600’s has some unusual insertions. The small motifs are shaped to hold patterns for points, that we would usually associate with the edge of a collar. It could as easily be a reuse of a recycled length of lace as it could be purpose made. Certainly interesting. Museum number 588-1899 http://collections.vam.ac.uk/item/O130609/shirt-part/
While not exact matches, floral themed shaped points show up in Vecellio as do curving floral vines like in the lace between panels. I’ve included the example I chose because of the sweet little butterfly hiding in the pattern. Vecellio’s Corona delle nobili et virtuose donne 1591 https://archive.org/embed/vecellio1601coronabnfbtv1b105480342