Wed Jul 7, 2021 09:27 AM
July 7, 2021
I rather like the unusual format of Gaspare Crivellari’s 1612 “Nova scielta di varii fiori di mostre da ago opera vtilissima. alle giouani vituose che se ne dilettano.” (Lotz 145.) It has sort of a mix and match thing going with blocks of internal patterns surrounding an allegorical representation of a virtue or concept inside and lace points spaced around the edges. The Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale di Roma’s copy can be accessed here:
Sotheby’s sold a portrait of a Roman woman dated around 1600 recently to benefit the acquisition fund of the San Diego Museum of Art. She has a lovely lace cuff with sort of a peapod looking motif seen in the Temperance page of Crivellari and points reminiscent of some of the other patterns.