Fri Aug 14, 2020 08:53 PM
Morning Modelbuch (8/15/2020)
I admit to stretching things a great deal when it allows me to show examples of mermaids. So, I’m showing you a lovely 16th century hanging at the Met and some patterns from an anonymous hand drawn German manuscript album of patterns, also at the Met. They aren’t really related, but you get an extant textile and a pattern in today’s post just because I like them.The manuscript has mermaid patterns, but I think some of the other patterns in it have more pictorial similarities to the hanging, so I have included both.
16th century Italian embroidered net hanging with mermaids, accession number:06.583
Manuscript album of designs for lace and embroidery ca. 1596. Accession Number:53.566.7(1-69)