Mon Jan 6, 2020 09:50 PM
Morning Modelbuch (1/7/2020)
My 12th cake didn’t turn out to be very photogenic despite being pretty tasty. I’m going to give it another try later in the week. In the meantime, I am consoling myself by reminding my inner critic that simple and utilitarian can be beautiful. The embroidery on this camicia is stunning yet understated. Portrait of a Woman by Altobello Melone, dated 1510 – 5. Inventory #7269, at the Pinacoteca di Brera.
A similar chain type pattern fom Hermann Gullferich. The same pattern is in both Schonesperger and Quentel, but it is shown repeated on each side of a larger border. I pulled it from -Modelbuch new, aller Art, Nehens und Stickens_ with the much later date of 1553 because it is specifically seperated as a discrete design.