Fri Jan 3, 2020 06:55 PM
For the 10th Day of Christmas, I thought I’d show you a “lord” even if he isn’t leaping. There’s an interesting compilation of redrawn plates that was edited by the art historian Rudolf Eitelberger in 1874, _Original-stickmuster der Renaissance in getreuen copien vervielfaltigt und mit unterstutzung des K. K. Handelsministeriums herausgegeben vom K. K. Osterr. Museum_. There are plates from Bindoni, Quentel, and Pagano. I haven’t found the original for the first image, but pulled some with borders featuring a lion and a couple of mermaids to show you the differences between the originals from Pagano and Eitelberger’s adaptations.
Eitelberger at the Munich DigitiZation Center
Matteo Pagano’s 1556 _La Gloria et l’Honore di Ponti Tagliati, E Ponti in Aere_ at the Met