Tue Dec 24, 2019 10:56 AM
I thought I’d share Tagliente’s Hebrew letter exemplars to wish a joy-filled Hanukkah season to those celebrating
While not a modelbuch, I think Giovanni Antonio Tagliente’s 1525 instruction manual for calligraphers is important to understanding them. Having been a writing master for more than 30 years and a traveling teacher for at least 20, in the last few years of his life, he became a publisher. Tagliente published books to help women and servants to learn to read, books on how to write regular and love letters, and a couple of books on accounting. One of the most famous woodcuts in his embroidery book was first published in his writing handbook.
Some of his publications:
La Vera arte de lo Excelente Scriverie Libro Maistrevole Componimeto di Arithmetica Luminaria di Arithmetica Componimento de Parlimenti Opera Amorosa Essempio di Recammi
_Lo presente libro insegna la vera arte delo excellente scrivere_ at the BNF http://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/bpt6k94006493