Tue Sep 17, 2019 10:25 PM
Morning Modelbuch (9/18/2019)
This filet border is pretty spectacular with the net worked in red silk and embroidered in gold, silver, blue, light green, and light red. Then even more gold and silver in the bobbin lace edging. Church item 96407. 17th century Swedish in the Swedish History Museum. https://historiska.se/upptack-historien/object/96407-kalkduk-av-textil/
I know there’s a better approximation of the twining vine shape of the pattern, but I liked the counted nature of this acorn pattern. Besides that, I haven’t linked to the book before. It is labeled as Zoan Vavassore’s _Essemplario novo di piu di cento variate mostre di qualunque forte_. BUT the BNF also points out that it is Courboin 1014. That makes it Lotz 83 which is identified by Lotz as Pelliciolo’s _Fontata de gli essampli_ and dated 1545. (Trying to keep track of stuff gets confusing sometimes. . .) https://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/btv1b10548012b