Tue Sep 3, 2019 09:16 PM
Morning Modelbuch (9/4/2019)
The painting is allegorical, but the lazy S pattern on the under layers is a pretty popular one. Here it is about 100 years after it first shows up in the pattern books. “Judith with the Head of Holofernes” by Simon Vouet dated around 1620. Inventory number 2279 in the Baverian State Painting Collections held in the Alte Pinakothek. https://www.sammlung.pinakothek.de/de/artist/simon-vouet/judith-mit-dem-haupt-des-holofernes
Pattern from _Corona di racami_ by Giovanni Andrea Vavassore dated 1530. https://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/btv1b2100040m/f12.item