Fri Jun 14, 2019 10:19 PM
Morning Modelbuch (6/15/2019)
I find this pattern interesting, because it is a mirroring repeating pattern that I think of more as one that would have been cut from cloth, applied, and edged with cord. But here it is done as a straight piece of embroidery in gold with red silk and silver with green silk. I like seeing patterns used differently than would be expected. Several of this type of pattern turn up in Ostaus.
Shirt in the Museum of London ID:28.84 dated between 1581 and 1590
Giovanni Ostaus’ _ La vera perfezione del disegno per punti e recami_ originally published in 1557, (the scan at Archive happens to be of Marian Hague’s copy of the Elisa Ricci republication, which somehow makes me outrageously happy.)