Sat Jun 1, 2019 08:45 PM
Morning Modelbuch (6/2/2019)
Most of the earlier pattern books have long lists of all the different types of artisans that can use the patterns for inspiration in addition to embroiderers I like to think of modelbucher as “early modern clip art.” With that in mind I thought I would share some of the animals and birds from Giovanni Antonio Tagliente’s _Essempio di recammi_, first published in 1527. I also included a page from the much later Vinciolo that also has birds, rabbits, deer, and hounds.
And then a painted and gilded comb with a deer, hounds, and a rabbit on one side and birds on the other. It is listed as either Italian or French and either 15th or 16th century. Accession # 17.190.245.