Wed Apr 3, 2019 09:42 PM

Morning Modelbuch (4/4/2019)

This is another painting where we get to see the sorts of patterns circulating as individual printed sheets and being drawn by artists for embroiderers as well as being traditional or drawn from textiles being traded that find their way into the mix that is the modelbucher.

Dated between 1516-1525, this portrait by Giuliano Bugiardini was painted just about the same time as the first books by Schonsperger and Quentel were published. It’s held in the Calouste Gulbenkian Museum in Lisbon. I couldn’t find it in their online catalog yet.,_dolce_nodo.JPG

I pulled a couple of similar patterns from Willem Vorsterman’s _Ce est ung tractat de la noble art de leguille ascavoir ouvraiges de spaigne_ which is a republication of Peter Quentel’s 1527 book.

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