Tue Mar 12, 2019 09:16 PM
Morning Modelbuch (3/13/2019)
I haven’t looked at Crivellari in awhile. I really need to spend more time with it so I can match it better with other pieces. The individual sections of pattern are charming and reasonably simple in many cases. The whole compositions of the pages are also lovely as prints with allegorical images in the center.
Published Francesco Bolzetta, engraved by Gaspare Crivellari 1612 _Noua Scielta di Vari Fiori_ The National Library of Rome’s copy is available as an e-book via Google Books. https://books.google.com/books/about/Noua_scielta_di_varii_fiori_di_mostre_da.html?id=T822mu5CfgIC