Wed Mar 6, 2019 06:44 PM
Morning Modelbuch (3/7/2019)
I’m posting the link to _A Technical History of the Manufacture of Venetian Laces_ published in 1882 for two reasons. It has basic details on how to make Punto Tagliato, 2 methods for Punto A Reticello, Punto in Aria, Punto in Tagliato a Fogliamo, Punto di Venezia, and Merletti a Fuselli. That is wonderfully useful and helpful for lacemakers, but the more interesting part of the book for me is in the last couple of pages. The book was edited by Ferdinando Ongania as part of the series of facsimiles of modelbucher put out at end of the 19th century. A large selection of the books we have access to online comes from scans of these, so it is really exciting to me to have a full listing of his catalog. The last couple of pages is a list of the 17 republished pattern books put out by Ongania.