Fri Mar 1, 2019 07:04 AM
Morning Modelbuch (3/2/2019)
Huh. Look at the hem of the green underdress in this painting of two Venetian women by Vittore Carpaccio dated 1490. This is really early for bobbin lace, so it is possible that it was some other form of passementerie or couched cording or something, but it is a pattern that was later used as a bobbin lace pattern. Another intriguing idea to look into and an example of the transmission of motifs and patterns in a variety of ways. (And as a seamstress I am also fascinated by the stiffened hem.)
“Due Dame Veneziane” by Vittore Carpaccio in the Museo Correr
This is one of 51 images from the museum shared on Google Arts and Culture in partnership with Fondazione Musei Civici di Venezia
The bobbin lace pattern is in Christoph Froschauer’s publication (with patterns by a woman known only as R.M.) from 1561 of _ Nuw modelbuoch_. Link is to the copy in the Zentralbibliothek Zurich