Sun Feb 10, 2019 10:16 PM
Morning Modelbuch (2/11/2019)
I was chasing down references for Alessandro Paganino’s recommendation of using gum Arabic forced through pricked holes as a substitution for pounce when transferring patterns to dark fabrics and found myself rereading Janet Byrne’s article on “Master F” and some of the patterns attributed to him. I remembered that he designed moresque patterns that were recopied in Peter Flotner’s book. I didnt remember the last couple of pages which include some gorgeous compilations of patterns from Paganino, Vavvasore and others that are reiterations and adaptations of Master F patterns. I’m so glad I went back and read it again! (Even if it was a completely different thing than what I was looking for– although she does mention the gum Arabic.)
I’m linking the article, but I’m also linking the pen and ink design for a textile panel that is the nominal subject of the article., Janet S.&pt=&tc=&dept=&fmt= Free article from Met Publications