Tue Jan 22, 2019 07:17 PM
Morning Modelbuch (1/23/2019)
Look what I got my grubby hands on! It’s the 1909 republication of the 1606 Vinciolo with an introduction by Elisa Ricci. I’m super excited to get to add it to my library and had to come up with something interesting to cause a look at Vinciolo again. So, were going to take a peek at the mezza mandolina patterns in it.
There are more of this type of pattern in Parasole, but 3 or 4 are mixed in with the lacis patterns in Vinciolo. And it turns up in a Bronzino portrait of Eleonora di Toledo.
Bronzino’s 1560 Portrait of Eleonora di Toledo https://www.nga.gov/collection/art-object-page.46106.html
Vinciolo https://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/bpt6k1510821k?rk=42918;4