Tue Jan 15, 2019 06:12 PM
Morning Modelbuch (1/16/2019)
Catherine Kinsey sent me some pictures of lace in her personal collection to share. “This one was obviously an edging on something, perhaps a household linen. 1.5 x 5 inches wide with points. A mix of techniques. I believe the wider part is needle lace and the points are bobbin.”
I went looking around and the first pattern that jumped out at me was the small border between the two larger scrolling pieces. It matches up nicely to the lace pattern in the middle of this page.
Published in 1561, by Christoph Froshauer with an author known only as R.M. who is identified as a woman with expertise in bobbin lace. Nuw Modelbuch, allerly Gattungen Dantelschnur (link goes to e-rara) You can also obtain a copy at Archive and the link goes to the specific page. https://archive.org/details/NewModelbook1561/page/n35