Tue Jan 8, 2019 11:11 PM
Morning Modelbuch (1/9/2019)
I am finding it a great deal more difficult to place where individual geometric bits of whitework come from. Its definitely convincing me that I need to sit down and divide the various patterns into progressions so I can more easily find them. I’ve been looking for a particular pattern on an apron for several weeks now. In the mean time, here is a 16th Century Italian cover at the Cooper Hewitt. https://collection.cooperhewitt.org/objects/18391399/images/
The pattern might be specifically somewhere else, but some of the building blocks are in these modular patterns in Franco. Giacomo Franco _Nuova inventione de diverse mostre cosi di punto in acre come de Retticelli hoggi di usate per tutte le parte del Mondo, con Merletti, Mostrotte da Colari, e da Manegheti et Merli per cantoni de fazoletti_ 1596