Tue Dec 25, 2018 07:18 PM
Morning Modelbuch (12/26/2018)
I find these little slips from Parasole’s _Teatro delle Nobili et Virtuous Donne_ fascinating. The caption is “lavori di maglia.” Modernly the translates to knitting or shirt, but it could also be darned mesh. Similar patterns show up in extant knitted waistcoats, so that may in fact be what they are intended for. But, as always, they can be used for other things.
https://www.metmuseum.org/art/collection/search/662056 Knitted jacket http://www.nationaltrustcollections.org.uk/object/934938.1
Knitted silk shirt https://digitaltmuseum.se/011013854472/troja-av-gult-silke-silketroja-1600-tal-nm-inv-nr-221941/media?slide=0