Mon Dec 10, 2018 07:51 PM
Morning Modelbuch (12/11/2018)
I know this set of embroidered bed curtains is a bit late with a date of 1670, but I really want to share it for a couple of reasons. It has the adorable animals seen in Richard Schorleyker’s 1632 _Schole-house for the Needle_ but this would not have been copied from a modelbuch. It didn’t need to be. The pattern was printed onto the fabric and sold with the intent it be embroidered. There are quite a few pieces like this including coifs and jackets. Some were probably printed by the same printers. Vavassore workshop as well as Schonsperger have records of printing textiles. The other reason I wanted to share is that it was probably actually embroidered in the US, in South Carolina after being printed England. More interesting methods of pattern transmission. Free versions of Shorleyker aren’t particularly accessible. The 1632 version of Schole-house For the Needle is available for purchase and there is a 1624 version available at the Bodleian Library through EEBO if you have access. There is an incomplete version available for free via the Wayback Machine at I’ve also got a few more pages scrounged and linked on one of my Pinterest boards