Mon Nov 12, 2018 06:25 AM
Morning Modelbuch (11/12/2018)
Another of Marian Hague’s gorgeous mounted pages from the Met. There are two numbers because there are two embroidered samples on the page. This one has extant pieces of some of the patterns that we just saw a couple of days ago used for weaving done up in multicolored satin stitch. I love seeing the variety of how the inspiration got used. The polychrome is also a lovely surprise, since so often we see these in black or red or blue only. It’s worth looking at both for the color differences in the pictures, if nothing else.
She’s attached a page from Vavasore, with the 8 petals with a little opening in each. I added a page from Quentel’s 1529 _Eyn new kunstlichboich_ with the stars.