Wed Oct 31, 2018 06:32 AM
Morning Modelbuch (10/31/2018)
Searching for model books turns up interesting stuff. Handwriting books turn up pretty frequently. I’ve pointed out several before, especially as Tagliente published a pretty famous one and alphabet pages get mixed in to modelbucher pretty regularly. I found this pattern composed of text at the Met dated 1553 and had to track down the rest of the book since they have only the one image digitally available. There is only one other image in the book that is the same sort of thing, but the book is pretty cool. Wolfgang Fugger’s _Ein nutzlich und wolgegrundt formular Manncherley schoner schriefften_ has instructions for properly cutting quills, how and how not to hold you pen, Roman numerals, Greek letters, Hebrew letters, examples of how to write scribal abbreviations and lots of writing exercises. Definitely worth a look if you have any interest in calligraphy.