Sun Sep 2, 2018 10:21 PM
Morning Modelbuch (6/9/2018)
These are not from a published book, but from 1 of 2 almost identical personal manuscripts made by Thomas Trevilion. This one, the first, is dated either 1604 or 1608. He’s collected proverbs, verses, calendars, geneologies, lists and other things that stuck his fancy from a variety of sources. The patterns are section 4 of 5 starting on page 215. The World Digital Library has the full manuscript to download here. The Trevelyan Miscellany is held by the Folger Shakespearean Library and you can see the individual images there.
He’s got a wide selection of nightcap patterns (for hanging around the house– not sleeping.) And I threw in peapods and intertwined snakes because they are just fun.