Fri Aug 31, 2018 09:46 PM
Morning Modelbuch (6/2/2018)
Here’s a pattern for St. Margaret of Antioch with her dragon. This link is one of my favorites as its 5 modelbuchlein of the 1520’s-30s bound together so it’s got loads of nifty patterns. (This is actually the copy that was republished in the 19th century by Hippolyte Cocheris as _Patrons du Broiderie de Lingerie_) Giovanni Savoldo’s 1525 Portrait of a Woman as St. Margaret is from the same period and I keep thinking it would be fun to combine the two somehow. Margaret was also one of the saints that Joan of Arc claimed to hear. Somehow that needs to work into the inspiration. Ideas haven’t formed yet, but there’s something there. There’s charm in the embroidery pattern with the oversized hands and derpy dragon and the capable lady in the portrait with the dragon attached to her girdle just keep me thinking.