Tue Aug 28, 2018 10:44 AM
Morning Modelbuch (5/24/2018)
Morning Modelbuch
These are sets of patterns from Paganini Paganino and his son Alessandro’s _De Rechami Per Elquale De Impara In Diuerse Modi Iordine_ Books 1,2, and 4 are available at BnF and these are selected from all 3. http://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/btv1b10537220z.r=Paganinorechami?rk=21459;2
There are several series of these with a set of shapes for a knife, a long length and a shape to go around an opening. There’s a linework version and a solid version so in most cases there are a minimum of 4 pages for each.
Just as a note of interest, the Paganini press probably printed the first copies of the Quran in Arabic (in 1537.) While the print run was thought to be lost, a copy showed up in 1987 in a Venetian monastery. Paganini’s first publication was a Roman Missal (texts for mass) and his best known publications were mathematical works by Luca Pacioli (the father of accounting.) Just to point out the range of printing coming out of a single press.