Mon Aug 27, 2018 04:00 PM
Mid-afternoon Modelbuch (8/27/2018)
I probably keep coming back to the moresque patterns of the books by Flotner and Pelligrino because of their flexibility and usage throughout the various arts. Whether they directly inspired other artists or just point out artistic trends, they’re fascinating. Here’s a page from Peter Flotners Mauresques ET Damasquinures published in 1549. You can see the design influences in the etching on this armor of George Clifford made in 1586 by the Greenwich Workshop. Twenty-nine of the armor designs from this English workshop make up the Jacob Album (named for Jacob Halder, the German Master Workman of the shop from 1576-1607.) It is also called the Almain Armourers Album and is held by the V and A. Even if you have no interest in armor, the beauty of the decorative work on these parade and tournament armors are jaw dropping.