Research on 16th and 17th century pattern books for embroiderers, lacemakers, and artisans of all kinds
Sun Aug 26, 2018 10:12 AM
Sun Aug 26, 2018 10:12 AM
Morning Modelbuch (8/26/2018)
I think one of the more intriguing things about the modelbucher is the stitch names/types of embroidery that are listed on some of the title pages as the printers tried to cram as many suggestions for uses of their books as they could on them.
Linienstitch, Punto Scritto, Punto Damaschino, Punto Ciprioto, Groppi Moreschi, Modano Ricamato, Fili Tirati, Punto Croce, Punto Spina, Spanischer Stitch, Venedigsche Stern, Welisch weiss Arbeit, Creuxstitch, Punto Croceato, Perlensticker, Platt-stickerei, Geschnierlet, Manier Welscher, Maylendischer Art, Punto Tagliato, Punto Gropposo, Punto Dissfilato, Punto Tirato, Reziproken Muster, Buratto, Punto Tagliati A Fogliami, Ponti In Aere, Intagliatela, Dantelschur, Lacis, Point de Rebort, Reticello, Carres Reseuil, Punto A Maglia, Mezzo Mandolino, Seidennstickher. Taylor enumerates bunches more in The Needles Excellency, and I’m sure I’ve missed some, but that’s the start of my list.