Sun Aug 19, 2018 03:07 PM
Morning Modelbuch (5/10/2018)
Since most things develop out of other things, I figured I would point out the earlier musterbuch. Pattern books of drawings for artists began pretty early. Their transformation into modelbuch is a part of the accessibility brought about by the printing industry. These are pages from the largest extant musterbuch. The Reiner Musterbuch is a manuscript of 13 pages of motifs from the mid 13th century. It is held in the Austrian National Library. A digitized version can be found here.
For further reading on musterbuch, the major work is _Exemplum: Model- book Drawings and the Practice of Artistic Transmission in the Middle Ages 900-1470_ There was also a special issue of Medieval Encounters published in 2013 on the subject Mechanisms of Exchange: Transmission in Medieval Art and Architecture of the Mediterranean, ca. 1000-1500