Mon Nov 19, 2018 08:23 AM
Morning Modelbuch (11/19/2018)
I think matching portraits are pretty nifty. Especially when they have been split up and then reunited. This pair by Barthel Beham, with a prosperous merchant calculating money and his wife, showing off their wealth with her exotic pet parrot and extensive embroidery, was part of an exhibition of three sets of portraits that ran from June-September this year at the Kunsthistorishes Museum The exhibition focused on the extreme realism of the painter’s style. Always nice when those sorts of people decide to paint embroidery.
I’ve posted several flowing florals similar to the work on her clothing previously, so here’s one I haven’t yet, with the cool break and branch in the middle of the upright. From Heinrich Steyner’d 1533 _Model Biechlein_