Fri Sep 28, 2018 06:30 AM
Morning Modelbuch (9/28/2018)
In case you were thinking, “hey, I would really like to look through a book of 309 illustrations of parade armor and sword hilts from 1558,” I totally have you covered. This is from one of the first artists specializing in decorative armor design, Filippo Orso of Mantua. There were at least 3 copies of the manuscript made. There are some notes on embroidery of horse barding and discussion of some of the armors being created for masques out of cardboard.
I’m posting these because I really do think seeing the modelbucher in context with other design sources is important and useful, but if the tangents are driving you nuts, let me know so I can try to keep these posts interesting for everyone. Really interesting article on Orso’s designs and the interaction with the Mantuan Court Armorer.