Thu Feb 6, 2020 04:46 PM
Pretty good modelbuch mail day. I received my copy of 3 of the 4 facsimile books by Paganino published by Ferdinand Ongania in 1880 and got some stickers of my new logo. (Stickers are not stuck to the books.)
Speaking of the logo: I had hoped to have the Modelbuch Muse website up just after Christmas, but I just am not that productive. So, I am aiming for MM’s 2nd anniversary which is April 18th.
The plan is to have past posts available there in a much more searchable format. I also hope to include some biographies of the printers, a robust list of the books and where they can be located online, some of my papers on the books, and a section of modernized projects using the patterns. Not sure what else, but it will probably evolve.
I still plan daily posts and am not charging anything or making big changes here, I just want a more organized spot to put things and access off Facebook for people that are interested. Looking forward to my second birthday. Hope you are too!