Sun Jan 5, 2020 06:23 PM
“NOW, now the mirth comes With the cake full of plums, Where bean’s the king of the sport here ; Beside we must know, The pea also Must revel, as queen, in the court here.”
I’m a bit behind with baking for 12th Night, so I’m going to share with you my plans tonight and hopefully pictures of the finished project tomorrow. The earliest recipe we have for a 12th Cake is dated 1803, but there is plenty of art and earlier mentions. I’m planning to make a fruitcake and decorate using patterns from Crivelari’s _Nova scielta di varii fiori di mostre da ago_ (Lotz #145,) dated 1612.
I’m going to try doing them in marzipan and sugar plate, but may end up just piping in buttercream, we’ll see how it goes. I’m using a recipe for cake from _Lady Elinor Fettiplace?s Receipt Book_, dated 1604. You can find the recipe here.
I hope your holiday season was all you hoped, with a joyous new year beginning. As always, I appreciate everyone’s interest in the page and suggestions for improvements. If you have a minute to leave a review, share a post, or suggest the page to friends, I would be grateful.
Exerpt from Robert Herrick’s 1648 poem, Twelft Night.