Wed Dec 18, 2019 09:08 PM

Morning Modelbuch (12/19/2019)

Looking at 17th century textiles a bit more. This British spot sampler in the Met is full of contrast and dramatic color. One of the patterns jumped out as being from Furst. Several of the others may find their way onto my pincushion project. Sampler from the first half of the 17th century, Accession Number:57.122.366. Silk, wool, and metal threads on linen.

While the books are recognized as being engraved by Rosina Furst, they will often be listed under her father, Paul, as he was the publisher. _Das Neue Modelbuoch_. Volumes 1-4, published between 1660-1676, Lotz 59, 60, 61, and 62. All 4 are bound together in this version at the BNF

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