Sat Aug 17, 2019 01:41 PM
I noticed that there were more volumes of Emanuelle Boucher’s _Livres a Dentelles_ on Archive than I remembered, thanks to The Cleveland Ingalls Library. Here are links to 5 of them, all republications of modelbucher put out by Amand-Durand and edited by Boucher in the 1880’s.
– Emanuelle Boucher’s _Livres a Dentelles Book 1_ which is a republication of Swartzenberger’s 1534 _Ain New Formbuchlein_
– Emanuelle Boucher’s _Livres a Dentelles Book 2_ which is a reprint of Ostaus 1557 _ La vera perfettione del disegno_.
-Livres a Dentelles Book 3
-Livres a Dentelles Book 4 _Le Livre de Lingerie_ by de Sera
-Livres a Dentelles Book 5 _Libbretto nouellamete composto per maestro Domenico da Sera_ 1532
Book 1 again. This is the Getty’s copy