Sat Aug 10, 2019 11:19 PM

Morning Modelbuch (8/11/2019)

I did a post last year about this time mentioning Conrad Gessner’s _Historia Animalium_ (first volume published in 1551) and its use as a pattern book, specifically by Mary, Queen of Scots, and Bess of Hardwick when doing the Oxburgh Hangings. That post has a link to the first volume at the Biodiversity Library. Here’s a link to the book at Archive and a few more animals in hangings and their inspiration woodcuts. Most of Gessner is beautifully detailed and very scientific, but there are a few weird and mythical animals mixed in.

“An Eape” Museum number T.33J-1955

“Water Owle” Museum number T.33HH-1955

” Zydrach” Museum number T.33II-1955

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