Mon Nov 28, 2022 08:47 AM
Today’s holiday project is a calendar for myself. I like both modelbucher and mermaids so I combined the two with borders from Tozzi and quotes about mermaids. I could have printed it at home but, as you saw yesterday, I really need a new printer. So, I just put the images into a template at Walgreens and ordered it online. I should be able to pick it up at my local store on December 8th.
Copy of _Ghirlanda di sei vaghi fiori scielti da piu famosi giardini d’Italia_ by Puetro Paolo Tozzi at the BNF
I used the images in Helen Hough’s _ Petals of the Ghirlanda_ published for free over at the Internet Archive since the borders already had the text removed and she has it licensed for personal use through Creative Commons.