Tue Sep 1, 2020 09:41 PM
Morning Modelbuch (9/2/2020)
As we were looking at Gormont the other day, Helen Hough decided to put together an easily downloadable version. It includes a translation of the text as well! It is available at Archive https://archive.org/details/gormont-1546-hough-2020-livre-met/mode/2up
Another beautiful bookbinding from the British Library. This one is mid 16th century by Claude Picques. It is a copy of Alciato’s emblem book _Diverse Imprese accommodate a diuerse_ dated 1549 Shelfmark C20b20 https://www.bl.uk/catalogues/bookbindings/LargeImage.aspx?RecordId=020-000006404&ImageId=ImageId=42807&Copyright=BL