Mon Aug 24, 2020 10:32 PM
Morning Modelbuch (8/25/2020)
The trim on the outer gown of the lady in the portrait uses the countercharged style. I really like cutting the pattern in half and getting two lengths of trim. I used one of the patterns last year to applique on a pair of velvet trousers and I like how they turned out. One of the fastest types of trim to make. “Portrait of a noblewoman with her son and a small dog.” Florentine, dated around 1570.—–1172-florenz_-um-1570-portraet-ein-1172_68560.html?RecPos=111
Patterns from Lotz #98, Iseppo Foresto’s 1558 _Bellezze de recami_. The link is to the 1891 Wasmuth reprint.