Tue Jan 21, 2020 09:12 PM
Morning Modelbuch (1/22/2020)
I’m doing a quick project where I’m mending a vintage table topper and turning it into an apron to wear with one of my 16th century style dresses. That has me looking at extant aprons and the various options for pleats and ties. This 17th century Italian lace apron at the Met always makes me sigh. It is so lovely. Definitely on my list to see if I ever get to visit. Accession Number:38.19.9 https://www.metmuseum.org/art/collection/search/102520
Patterns from Sigismund Latomus’ 1607 _Schon newes Modelbuch von 600_ (Lotz 46.) This book is pretty much every lace pattern Latomus could get his hands on squeezed into one book. Many of Vecellio’s pages are shrunk and reoriented to put multiple pages onto one and to up the number of patterns in the book. Latomus earlier titles have other numbers in them, with 180 in 1605 and 500 in 1606, so having the most was of primary importance to the publisher. The Met’s copy was published in 1617. https://www.metmuseum.org/art/collection/search/352982