Mon Sep 9, 2019 09:23 PM
Morning Modelbuch (9/10/2019)
The lion embroidered on the Falkland jacket (English dated between 1615-20) in the V&A matches up nicely with the ones that turn up in the engravings by John Dunstall and Peter Stent that we’ve been looking at the last couple of days. Museum number:T.80-1924
Lion, unicorn and others are from _A Book of Four Foot Beasts_ museum number 2AA+,a.67.46 in the British Musem. Inscription quoted from the museum page, “John Dunstall fecit.”; lettered with the address: “Sold by I: Overton at the white horse without Newgate at the [P. Stent excudit.] corner of little Old Baly”;
The lion surrounded by flowers is also Dunstall and Stent from an original Wenceslas Hollar print. Museum number 1875,0710.769.