Tue May 21, 2019 08:03 PM
Morning Modelbuch (5/22/2019)
16th century Italian piece, listed as possibly a book cover, in the Museum of Applied Arts in Budapest http://collections.imm.hu/gyujtemeny/kendo-toredeke/21695
Patterns from the 1551 _Giardineto novo di punti tagliati et gropposi per exercito & ornamento delle donne_ by Matteo Pagano. This is the copy held in the Getty of a book first published in 1542. The book is Lotz 80. There was a 1921 reprint of a 1550 copy in the BNF. There are also other copies in the Met and the BNF available online. https://archive.org/details/giardinetonovodi00paga