Research on 16th and 17th century pattern books for embroiderers, lacemakers, and artisans of all kinds
Mon May 6, 2019 05:40 PM
Mon May 6, 2019 05:40 PM
Great modelbuch mail day. I ordered these books at different times, but they all arrived today so my mailbox was packed with patterns.
I do try to order all the reprints I can find. Often they are just copies of the scanned pages already available, but sometimes there is added value with forwards, articles, and versions I haven’t seen. And even if they are just the pages I already have, it saves ink on my printer when I can hand a pattern book to a friend.
I am really, really excited about the Passarotti. This is a book that is not available online so it is one you need. It takes quite awhile to get things shipped from Italy to the US, so I find myself doing a lot of waiting lately as all the really cool books I want take a couple of months to arrive. They have all been well worth the wait so far.