Tue Mar 19, 2019 06:35 PM

Morning Modelbuch (3/20/2019)

Early 17th century bed hanging from either Spain or Portugal https://www.artic.edu/artworks/89463/portion-of-bedhanging

Spain has plenty of examples of patterns that were taken from modelbucher, and the books were sold there, but there were no pattern books published in Spain. It’s one of those interesting things about the printing industry.

There is something charming and clunky about the darned net figures in this piece. I also really like the balance from the relatively simple cutwork sections. Pattern of a siren bird thingy from _Esemplario di Lauori_ Published by Giovanni Andrea Vavassore in 1532, designed by his brother Florio.

And I dont have a pattern for the derpy horse but it made me laugh, so I wanted to make sure you saw him.


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