Sat Dec 22, 2018 11:55 PM
Morning Modelbuch (12/24/2018)
I thought these two paintings by the Milanese painter Bernardino Luini were interesting because of the embroidery patterns he used on the women’s camici. They’re both similar but have slight variations. I’m including a pattern that matches up pretty well from Iseppo Foresto. The portraits were painted about the time that modelbucher were first being published, so this is another example of the books function as transmission of patterns that were already in use. Previously, artists would have been hired to paint embroidery patterns for individual clients, the books let the less affluent have greater access.
Bernardino Luini’s Herodias from about 1524 is in the Uffizi and his Portrait of a Lady from around 1520 is in the National Gallery in Washington Iseppo Foresto?s 1558 _Bellezze de recami, et dessegni, opera nova_ republished in 1891 as _Musterbuch Venetianischer nadelarbeiten 1558_