Thu Oct 18, 2018 08:33 AM
Morning Modelbuch (10/18/2018)
I think one of the ubiquitous motifs of Renaissance art has to be the putto. I tripped over a study of them by Charles Dempsey. His “Inventing the Renaissance Putto” was published in 2001 and is the first major study and I’m currently fascinated with it. The symbolism tied up with them is pretty fascinating as they embody so much more than baby angels. Various emotions and philosophies and passions represented by toddlers with wings.
As they are an important decorative motif, they show up in modelbucher. Here are several from Iseppo Foresto’s 1557 _Splendore delle vertuose giovani. Dove si contengono molte e varie mostre a fogliami_;4