Tue Sep 11, 2018 07:29 AM
Morning Modelbuch (6/14/2018)
Not a modelbuch exactly, but a pattern book, I like to compare and contrast the other books being published for use as inspiration. These are from a series of 42 prints bound together and published in Rome by Pietro Stephanoni in 1597. _Alli Nobillisimi Amatori del Designo_ The engravings are after prints by Agostino Carraci. They were published by two other printers, Luca Ciamberlano and Francesco Brizio at about the same time and called _Scuola perfetta per imparare a desegno_ The British Museum has the individual pages available. The link is to the title page. http://www.britishmuseum.org/research/collection_online/collection_object_details.aspx?objectId=3028708&partId=1&people=106553&peoA=106553-2-70&page=1